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Hormone types

So, how does it work? 


Basically, we determine your nutrition type, to see if you are a protein or carbohydrate type. This shows us the ratio of the macronutrients you need for your best shape, and if you gain energy from fat or from carbohydrates. 


If your diet doesn’t meet these needs, your health will deteriorate and gain weight.  Basically you can ruin it simply by eating on contrary to your diet. For example, if you are a carbohydrate type, and you follow a paleo-diet, or if you are a vegetarian, while you are a protein type, or eat rice and chicken without fat. If you eat according to your nutrition type, you can’t have much trouble. 


Added to this, comes your hormone type, your most dominant hormone producing gland and the ones that should be paid more attention to. 


Hormone producers affect each other, so hormonal dominancies can be mixed. This also manifests in the function and the change of shape of our body. You can tell your main hormone producers from your customised recommendation. 


The 4 main hormone types: 


Pituitary type


Thyroid type


Adrenaline type


Ovarian type



Know your type too!

Rád szabva Tudatos élet, tudatos táplálkozás

Szeretnéd tudni, hogy a Teszteredményed alapján megkapott típusnak mik a legfőbb jellemzői és hogy hogyan és merre indulj el a diéták útvesztőjéből kivezető úton?


Summary $0.0

